Cindy Hopp Success Story

Cindy Hopp gained language, math, and computer skills at Northwest Michigan Works!

Cindy Hopp had been out of high school for over 30 years when she came to Northwest Michigan Works! Adult Education Learning Lab in East Jordan. She was looking for help with her language, math, and computer skills so she could enroll in the Medical Assistant program at North Central Michigan College in Petoskey.

"The study skills class was a big help for me," said Hopp. "I'm sure that if I had not had this class I would have never been so organized."

Hopp enrolled at NCMC the summer after she started getting assistance at the learning lab. She says back when she was in high school she had a 2.35 grade point average. Going in to her last semester at NCMC her GPA was 3.89.

"I made the President's list last semester," said Hopp. "I was so thrilled to receive my letter from the college that I'm having it framed."

Hopp graduated from NCMC's Medical Assistant program in May of 2012 and also planned to get her Certified Nurse Aide certificate. She says she doesn't think she would have done as well as she did without the help she received from the Learning Lab.

"Please keep up the good work you are doing at the Learning Lab," said Hopp. "It really does make a difference." 

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